Old & Antiques

Saruk Antique
385 x 125 cm (12.63 × 4.10 ft)

Saruk is a village in ancient Persia, now Iran, located 50 kilometers north of Sultanabad on the edge
western plain of Farahan. Under this denomination, all those carpets are included
classic Persian tradition knotted throughout the surrounding area. Except for some exemplary specimens
datable to the first half of 1800, this excellent production can be traced back to the second part
of the same century, when it was increased by the enterprising merchants of Tabriz. From the early years of the
1900, the Saruk became the beloved rugs on the American market and for this reason
they are still called “American Saruk” today. In addition to using the highest quality wool, coming from
from the United Kingdom, the so-called “American” rugs were large, made
with specific decorations: large flowery ramages that formed a central nucleus from which it started
a symmetrical distribution of floral decorations on the whole carpet. The predominant color, a
particular type of rose called “dughi” and other colors used are in shades of blue and
beige which confer elegance and delicacy
the ever-present floral motifs. For their great beauty and workmanship, today the “Saruk
Americans ”are among the most sought after and appreciated antique Persian rugs.
This wonderful carpet, played on the beautiful dughi pink, cream, green and blue color,
it has an extremely refined appearance. This is due to its elegance in the graphic layout and color
beautiful artifact is ideal in all environments to which you want to give an impression of sweetness: from
your living room, your bedroom, but also in all those spaces that seek these colors.

100% Wool

385 x 125 cm (12.63 × 4.10 ft)
cod. 4012999

100% Wool


Clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner, shake it and rotate it regularly. Immediately remove the dry stains by gently scraping towards the center of the stains. Wet stains: do not rub. Use kitchen paper to absorb and then clean with a cloth and a mild detergent.