ABC Italia and Label STEP, a new partnership

08 April 2021

This is a major acknowledgement, which recognizes the company’s expertise in ensuring the social and environmental sustainability of the whole production chain.

It’s a longtime engagement, confirmed by several good practices. These include the relationship of mutual trust and respect established with the weavers’ local communities, particularly in Afghanistan, as well as the full filtration of rinsing waters, which turn into valuable resources for agriculture.

Founded in 1995, STEP is the leading non-profit organization, operating worldwide to ensure the fair trade of handmade carpets.

The highest level of disclosure is required in order to comply with it supervision activities, which also involve unscheduled visits to production sites. As a result, STEP’s consultancy, also based on a deep understanding of the Afghan reality, will allow ABC Italia to embark in a path of constant reassessment and update of its processes, ideally aiming at a goal of “total sustainability”.